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Our research aims to improve the treatment of patients suffering from cancer and autoimmune disease . We study the response of tumors to the immune system, as well as mechanisms to promote immune cells’ capacity to recognize and eliminate malignant tumor cells.


Michael Peled, MD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Institute of Pulmonary Medicine at Sheba Medical Center, affiliated to Tel Aviv University. He heads the Peled Lab, located in the Sheba Cancer Research Center.

Our Research


​Our research program combines state-of-the art approaches including in vivo and in vitro studies, proteomics, genomics, molecular biology and imaging.

Latest Publications

  • Khazan-Kost S, Cafri G, Melamed Kadosh D, Mooshayef N, Chatterji S, Dominissini D, Manor S, Zisser B, Broday L, Talalai E, Shemer A, Zadok O, Ofek E, Onn A, Admon A, Peled M. Soluble HLA peptidome of pleural effusions is a valuable source for tumor antigens.Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 2022. 


Research Support


Contact Us

Open positions are available for MSc and PhD  students.

For more information, please contact:

Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan, Israel

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